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Reading Success

Missouri Statute Section 167.645, RSMo (SB 681) requires school districts to conduct a foundational reading assessment as well as a dyslexia screener annually. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has approved Renaissance Learning (STAR Assessments) as a Missouri Foundational Reading Assessment and dyslexia screening tool.

Missouri's Foundational Reading Assessment helps identify students who may have some reading difficulties. Students are assessed using STAR in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The results of the assessment will help identify students who need a Reading Success Plan (RSP).

If students are identified as at risk or having substantial reading deficits, a Reading Success Plan will be created to identify improvement areas. This is a detailed plan on how we will support students in reading in the classroom and in reading intervention groups. Once identified, teachers and reading interventionists can provide instructional support targeted to student needs, monitor student progress, and adjust instruction as needed.

Parents/guardians can access at-home reading resources below.


Parent Resources:

Brunswick R-II Reading Success Plan Parent Information Sheet

Helping Your Child Read Handout

On the Road to Reading - A Parent's Guide

Activities for Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, & Comprehension



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